Population Growth - Encyclopedia.com
2018年5月29日 · Population Growth Population growth refers to change in the size of a population — which can be either positive or negative — over time, depending on the balance of births and deaths. If there are many deaths, the world's population will grow very slowly or can even decline. Population growth is measured in both absolute and relative terms. Absolute growth is the difference in numbers ...
The Population of Europe: Early Modern Demographic Patterns
For example, an early modern population with a total fertility rate of 5.5 and a life expectation at birth of thirty yields the same growth rate as a modern one with a total fertility rate of 2.1 and a life expectation at birth of seventy-five. In both cases births and deaths cancel one another, resulting in neither growth nor decline.
Zero Population Growth - Encyclopedia.com
2018年5月23日 · Zero population growth (also called the replacement level of fertility) refers to stabilization of a population at its current level. A population growth rate of zero means that people are only replacing themselves, and that the birth and death rates over several generations are in …
Population and Education - Encyclopedia.com
The relationship between education and population has attracted the attention of both scholars and policymakers, especially since the mid-1970s. The rate of population growth and the number of people living on earth have both increased spectacularly since the beginning of the nineteenth century. During the twentieth century, the human population increased at an …
The Population of Europe: The Demographic Transition and After
THE POPULATION OF EUROPE: THE DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION AND AFTER Michael R. Haines Every modern, high-income, developed society has undergone a shift from high to low levels of fertility and mortality. This is known as the demographic transition, and it has taken place, if only partially, in many developing nations as well. It is part of the more general process of modern economic growth and ...
Feminist Perspectives on Population Issues - Encyclopedia.com
FEMINIST PERSPECTIVES ON POPULATION ISSUESAlthough feminists differ among themselves on many issues, most feminist activists share a commitment to equal rights and resources for women and men. Scholars of gender study the social forces that affect gender inequality. Many of them have pointed out that traditional scholarship in the social sciences, including demography, often ignores gender ...
Technological Change and Population Growth - Encyclopedia.com
The relationship between population growth and technological change has been debated since the end of the eighteenth century–a debate whose main configuration has proved remarkably persistent. During the ensuing 200 years, historically unprecedented rates of change have been observed in both variables: in industrial, commercial, and communications revolutions spreading out from Europe, North ...
S-shaped growth curve - Encyclopedia.com
2018年6月11日 · S-shaped growth curve (sigmoid growth curve) A pattern of growth in which, in a new environment, the population density of an organism increases slowly initially, in a positive acceleration phase; then increases rapidly, approaching an exponential growth rate as in the J-shaped curve; but then declines in a negative acceleration phase until at zero growth rate the population stabilizes. This ...
J-shaped growth curve - Encyclopedia.com
2018年5月29日 · J-shaped growth curve A curve on a graph that records the situation in which, in a new environment, the population density of an organism increases rapidly in an exponential or logarithmic form, but then stops abruptly as environmental resistance (e.g. seasonality) or some other factor (e.g. the end of the breeding phase) suddenly becomes effective. The actual rate of population change depends ...
Population Theory: Malthus's Influence on the Scope of Evolution
Population Theory: Malthus's Influence on the Scope of Evolution Overview Approximately 60 years before the now historic publication of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species in 1859, Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834) penned a commentary on what he perceived to be the destiny of the human population in eighteenth-century Britain. Malthus's Essay on the Principles of Population ...