Mil Mi-24 - Wikipedia
The Mil Mi-24 (Russian: Миль Ми-24; NATO reporting name: Hind) is a large helicopter gunship, attack helicopter and low-capacity troop transport with room for eight passengers. [1] . It is …
Mi-24雌鹿直升機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
波蘭特遣隊支援美國伊拉克戰爭,在2004年12月間出動六架Mi-24D。一架2006年7月18日墜毀於Al Diwaniyah空軍基地,戰後波蘭打算直接把直昇機移交給伊拉克新軍。
米-24武装直升机 - 百度百科
米-24武装直升机(俄文:Миль Ми-24,英语:Mil Mi-24,北约代号:Hind,译文:雌鹿/母鹿),是苏联一型双发单旋翼中型多用途武装直升机,是苏联的第一种专用武装直升机。
Mi-24D (USSR) | War Thunder Wiki
The Mi-24D is the definitive variant of the infamous Mi-24 "Hind" helicopter. Being designed to specifically be a "gunship" variant designed in 1973, the Hind-D had a redesigned frontal …
List of Mil Mi-24 variants - Wikipedia
The Mi-24D has a redesigned forward fuselage, with two separate cockpits for the pilot and gunner. It is armed with a single 12.7mm four-barrel Yak-B machine-gun under the nose. It …
Mi-24雌鹿直升机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
波兰特遣队支援美国伊拉克战争,在2004年12月间出动六架Mi-24D。一架2006年7月18日坠毁于Al Diwaniyah空军基地,战后波兰打算直接把直升机移交给伊拉克新军。 [23]
2017年7月16日 · 米-24v是第一种采用全新串列座舱的改型,该机还具有改进过的起落架和短翼副油箱,准备安装9k113“突击手”-v反坦克导弹。但期待已久的“突击手”导弹再次跳票,于是米里 …
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The Mi-24D has a redesigned forward fuselage, with two separate cockpits for the pilot and gunner. It is armed with a single 12.7mm four-barrel Yak-B machine gun under the nose. It can …
Mil Mi-24D - Pima Air & Space
The Mi-24 attack helicopter, NATO reporting name “Hind,” is a unique Soviet design concept that does not truly have a Western counterpart. It was an attempt to combine the firepower of a …
Mil Mi-24 helicopter - development history, photos, technical data
Mi-24D 'Hind-D': initial dedicated gunship variant; first reported around 1977, Mi-24D is basically a late production 'Hind-A' with revised forward fuselage containing separate cockpits for pilot …