15 high-tech buildings that you should know - Dezeen
2019年12月20日 · We've rounded up 15 examples of high-tech buildings ranging from the movement's most flamboyant structure to a building adapted to suit a historic setting.
High-tech architecture - Wikipedia
High-tech architecture focuses on creating adaptable buildings through choice of materials, internal structural elements, and programmatic design. It seeks to avoid links to the past, and as such eschews building materials commonly used in older styles of architecture.
10 of the World’s Most Technologically Advanced Buildings
2018年7月9日 · Here’s a list of some of the world’s most technologically advanced buildings that push the envelope when it comes to responsiveness, well-being, sustainability and construction costs.
Dezeen选出“高技派”建筑的15个代表作 – 有方
深受工程与新技术的影响,“高技派”建筑的主要特点体现于 对工业材料的使用,以及 对结构表达的注重。 但历经半个世纪的发展,“高技派”建筑现已超越最初那种简单地将结构外露的欲望,进化成为一种提倡将当代最先进技术和材料融入设计中、注重节能环保、设计哲学早已渗透到建筑界方方面面的综合性风格。 或许在艰深晦涩的现代建筑文本诠释与哗众取宠的当代建筑造型追求之外,“高技派”作品给出的是如何设计我们所生活的世界的另一种可能性。 就像几千年前维特鲁威 …
Dezeen's guide to high-tech architecture
2019年11月4日 · High-tech was the last major architecture style of the 20th century. This overview by Owen Hopkins kicks off our series exploring the high-tech movement. In 1971, a press conference was held at...
Top 10 Famous High-Tech Buildings - Art Facts
2022年8月29日 · Some of the most renowned architects in history have integrated High-Tech architecture into their designs, including Fazlur Rahman Khan, Sir Norman Foster, Renzo Piano, and Santiago Calatrava, to name just a few. In this article, you’ll discover some of the stunning examples of High-Tech buildings from all around the world.
20 Best High-Tech Architecture Examples in the World: A ... - EAA
2024年11月23日 · High-tech architecture, also known as Structural Expressionism, emerged as one of the most influential styles of the late 20th century. This movement revolutionized building designs by incorporating advanced engineering and …
6 Incredible High-Tech Buildings — Google Arts & Culture
Described by many as the ugliest building in Paris, the Pompidou Centre is perhaps the best known example of High-Tech architecture. It was designed by Richard Rogers & Renzo...
High-tech architecture from A to Z - Dezeen
2020年3月4日 · One of the most significant and recognisable pieces of architecture created in the 1980s, the Lloyds building demonstrates many of the key traits of the high-tech architecture style. Designed...
An overview of High-tech Architecture - RTF - Rethinking The Future
High-tech architecture, also known as late modernism or structural expressionism, emerged as a design style in the 1970s and gained popularity in the urban landscapes of industrialised areas. It uses cutting-edge materials, advanced construction techniques, and innovative forms that showcase the structural elements of a building.