Mortar mixing ratio | Contractor Talk - Professional Construction …
2006年3月29日 · Ahh, mortar mix design, my favorite subject. The answer is that you have to use the proper mix for what you are laying, where you are laying it and when. The mix that you can't usually go wrong with is 1-1-3, portland-type S lime-masonry sand. Workable, good bond strength and enough lime to promote autogenous healing.
Mortar mixing ratio | Page 4 - Contractor Talk
2012年2月12日 · Add the Pre-mixed mortar into the mixer, adding water as necessary to achieve the desired consistency Mix for 3 to5 minutes, turn off the mixer and allow mortar to “slake” for 2 to 3 minutes, re-start the mixer and mix for an additional 2 to 3 minutes adding water as necessary to achieve desired consistency.
How to lighten grey mortar color - Contractor Talk
2012年5月28日 · Lots of options here, White mortar being probably the easiest. Add some lime would make it whiter. White sand or silica sand will help out. More yellow or brown sand really won't help much. A dash of portland might help, but don't over do it.
mortar bed | Contractor Talk - Professional Construction and …
2008年1月26日 · I installed a mortar bed yesterday and used about 20 lbs play sand mixed with 60 lbs of sand mix. I mixed the products dry and then added water. Consistency was good, packed and troweled it in the shower area. 24 hours later seeing alot of sand on top. Surface is pretty sandy and uncured in areas.
Making Mortar more sticky - Contractor Talk
2006年6月25日 · If it's phoney stone either use a 2.5 to 1 then add thinset to the mix as desired or use spec mix.For real stone use the 2,5 to 1 mix with about a quarter shovel of lime per half bag to stop the water bleeding.Use only enough water to make it workable.Lay the stone up without buttering the backs,then parge the back of the layed stone and wall filling the gap as the morter sets.Don't wet the stone.
parge a brick foundation | Contractor Talk - Professional …
2011年12月28日 · The theory was that a really strong mix would last longer than the earlier mix. It can take 30 or 40 years to find out that the mix has destroyed the brickwork. In that time a few generations of bricklayers have been brought up to use the wrong mix. The latest thinking is that that a lime mortar mix should contain no OPC.
I need a good stone foundation ratio. | Page 3 | Contractor Talk ...
2007年11月15日 · I did a mix similar to that but a touch more lime because the bulk of the foundation was a limestone and some serpentine (I think it was anyway ). For the types of stone that Sit has to work with, I think I would lean towards a softer mix. Sit, I am familiar with that stone. I have a good friend that moved to Oxford,NY directly east of you and ...
Scratch Coat | Contractor Talk - Professional Construction and ...
2009年2月15日 · Pre-bagged mortar at the big boxes is usually formulated to the Type S specification just to cover their ass because it is usually so crappy. For your application, it is fine, however. If you want to mix it yourself, the proportion specification for Type N mortar is: 1part portland, 1part Type S lime to 2-1/4-3 parts washed masonry sand, by volume.
so mortar can be bad even as a fine powder? | Contractor Talk ...
2024年3月15日 · Yesterday I laid a dozen or so 8x16x4 solids with type N that I kept in a sealed 5-gallon bucket. It's possible the mortar is as much as 2 years old. This was work in a damp basement. I used a pretty rich mix by most standards: 2 to 5. Today I poked some of the squish-out just to see how much it had set. It was disappointingly kind of soft and ...
Ready Mix for Tuck Pointing? (1920s House) | Contractor Talk ...
2012年9月2日 · Those look like old St Louie commons. They are pretty hard as old brick go. Make sure if the mortar is lime mortar first, if not a Type N cementious mortar will be fine, if it is, then you will need to mix your own lime mortar or pay some …