Additional information regarding malware suspicion on the Mod …
2024年11月4日 · Important update for all Cities: Skylines II Players: There is a potential security issue that has affected the “Traffic” mod for Cities: Skylines II. Late Monday evening, an outside actor pushed an update to the mod, which includes a .dll file which we believe is malicious.
Development Diary #2: Traffic AI | Paradox Interactive Forums
2023年6月26日 · Cities: Skylines II features two infoviews, the traffic infoview, and the road infoview, to help keep an eye on traffic and address problems early on. TRAFFIC INFOVIEW The traffic infoview shows traffic flow and volume in the city as a whole, making it easy to spot problem areas in the road network quickly as traffic jams color the roads in red.
Toggle Traffic Routes View / Adjust Road - Paradox Interactive …
2018年8月12日 · Confirmed broken on XBOX too. After inspecting an interscetion, the info about traffic on "Instect Road"->"Traffic Routes" won't show properly. steps to repro: 1. Load/Start new game 2. Select Inspector. Select "Inspect roads" (Y) 3. Inspect a road and select "Traffic Routes". Everything is fine: The map shows the traffic on that street with ...
Unlock developer restrictions on traffic flow
2023年11月8日 · Download ILSpy [7.1.0], download Reflexil, open the Cities Skylines II\Cities2_Data\Managed\game.dll file, find Game.Prefabs.EconomyPrefab.EconomyPrefab(), click the gear on the toolbar, right-click and change 0.0004 in Operand to 0, then find m_TrafficReduction, and change Attributes IsInitOnly is ticked.
Traffic - Paradox Interactive Forums
2024年5月3日 · Traffic mod discussion thread. Let me know what you think, for more complex feature requests or problems, contact me on Discord or via Github's Issues/Discussions. Troubleshooting 1. Missing Icon or errors upon loading the mod The only...
Cargo Harbor very slow to process loading vehicles causing traffic …
2023年12月4日 · The vehicles are slow to turn into the building itself then slow down again to turn into the gate to drop off/pick up goods. They also are slow turning back out into the street again. You can have a 2 mile long one way in and out of the buildings and traffic will still back up because it’s not a constant stream of traffic but a lot of stop ...
Traffic is now dumber than ever before - Paradox Interactive Forums
2023年11月5日 · In the third example drivers do what they do... they take the "shortcut" if the traffic is bumped up on the main highway. Place "no turn" signs on the exits. I don't want to gloss over the shortcomings of the current traffic AI, but sometimes a better road design can help. Even with the best AI, traffic flows slowly if the road layout is not ...
High density residential and a lot of traffic issues
2023年12月20日 · Build another. Then another until the parking lots don't fill up. Then see how bad your traffic is. I've noticed that the number of cars driving around looking for street parking is most of my traffic. Drop commercial in your high density residential areas. I've lived in big dense cities and have gone weeks without leaving about a 6 block radius
Weird traffic problem - Paradox Interactive Forums
2021年12月29日 · Maybe add more roads over the highway. It seems you are funneling all traffic from the left to the right over one tiny road and it is jamming up. Also, don't connect a street directly to a highway. You should only use ramps. A street will make a 90 degree angle and force a stop. While ramps let traffic merge smoothly onto the highway.
Traffic Management Needs improvement - Paradox Interactive …
2023年11月23日 · Agree with all of these. The right turn traffic light sequence would solve a lot of issues, where a queue forms for cars wanting to turn right, the left lanes merge over blocking the entire road and when the lights go green, only one or …