Why do basements and attics = creepy? - Straight Dope
2001年6月5日 · Because they are dark, unused, and full of creatures with a generally low image in our society. Besides, creepy noises come from them (boilers in basements, creaky joints in attics, etc.) that sound positively spooky at night.
Installing an interior door in an unfinished basement - Factual ...
2013年1月28日 · The Devil’s house has an unfinished basement. We’ve long had a problem with cold air coming into the house from down there, and given the recent cold snap I’ve been (kind of) taking care of it in small pieces. Step one was to line the unfinished stairwell walls with foamcore insulation. Step two is to put some sort of barrier at the bottom of the stairs. My initial idea was …
Help me choose boards for basement storage - Straight Dope
2014年10月15日 · I have a bunch of stuff in cardboard boxes [banker’s boxes] that I want to store in a basement whose floor might get wet during winter. To avoid floor contact, I want to elevate the boxes a few inches off the floor. Looks like the best solution is to set the boxes on parallel boards [easier+cheaper than pallets]. I naively thought this was a simple choice–just grab a …
How do I run a water line through my basement wall?
2012年8月6日 · We live in central Ohio. I just built a barn. It is located about 300 feet from the house. I’d like to run a water line to the barn from the house. The idea is to drill a hole through the concrete wall in our basement (4 feet below the surface) and run the water pipe through the hole. I would then rent a trencher and dig a 4 foot deep trench to the barn. Because of the distance, I …
How far down under my house can I legally dig? - Straight Dope
2008年11月8日 · Assuming that a) I own my house b) I don’t hit any water, sewage, or power lines and c) digging under my house won’t affect the structural integrity of my house or its foundation, how far down can I dig, from a legal perspective? Can I build a five story house under my own two story home? I am imagining something like… digging a stairwell out in my …
In Nelly's 'Hot In Herre" - Cafe Society - Straight Dope
2009年10月14日 · I have heard it as “fold” in the basement, but I think it’s a HOLE in the basement. If so, I think it’s a Silence of the Lambs reference, but “Buffalo Bill” wouldn’t fit into the “lyrical rappery”. On the other hand, if it is fold, it might be a folding bed…she IS taking off her clothes, right? BTW: “Lyrical rappery” is ...
Building a basement in an area w/a high water table
2001年11月30日 · The best exterior treatment for basement walls is bentonite clay ( cheap, non-toxic, long-lasting, and water impermeable), which you can buy in bags from any well driller. You mix it into an oatmeal consistency, trowel it on, then cover it with plastic so it stays moist and doesn’t flake off before you backfill.
What's the difference between a fully finished basement and a ...
2013年7月18日 · The value contribution to the Full Market Value of Finished Basement Living Area is similar to the main living area. Recreation Room - The basement level of a residential structure that is used for recreation use. Typically, to enter the basement level, one would walk down a full flight of stairs. It usually only has small "basement" size windows.
Why aren't squatters considered to be trespassing?
2022年4月16日 · A recent article detailed a house sold near Washington D.C. that came with a squatter in the basement. Indeed, the seller was clear that there was a squatter in the basement and it would be up to the buyer to deal with that. The seller is apparently a frail, older man whose family said they did not have the money to deal with evicting a squatter. Apparently the …
Dumbwaiters and incinerator chutes - do they still make them?
2009年7月6日 · My mom claims that when she was a girl, the apartment she and her parents lived in had a dumbwaiter and an incinerator in the basement which you could throw trash down into through a chute in the side of the wall. This would have been in the early 1960s in Bayside, NY. I have never actually seen either a dumbwaiter or an incinerator chute in any building in my …