Ravi A Nayampalli | Age 80s | Pompton Plains, NJ | Free …
Free access to Ravi A Nayampalli’s address in Pompton Plains, NJ 07444. Get Ravi’s phone number (718) 457-xxxx plus criminal, property, and public records.
Ravi R Nayampalli from Pompton Plns, NJ - Nuwber
Name: Ravi R Nayampalli, Phone number: (845) 783-8319, State: NJ, City: Pompton Plns, Zip Code: 08037 and more information
People who live on Greenleaf Ct in Pompton Plains, New Jersey
There are 157 people who live on Greenleaf Ct in Pompton Plains, New Jersey that are registered to vote. Out of those people 47 are Republicans and 66 are Democrats while 44 are affiliated with a different political party or have no party affiliation at all.
Nayampalli Facebook, Instagram & Twitter on PeekYou
Looking for Nayampalli? Found 10 people named Nayampalli along with free Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok profiles on PeekYou - true people search.
10 Highland Ave, Pompton Plns, NJ 07444 | NJPropertyRecords
10 Highland Ave, Pompton Plns, NJ 07444 is a 2905 sqft home sold on 02/06/2015 for $700,000 and is owned by Abhichandani, Ajay & Komal
3 Voorhis Pl, Pompton Plains, NJ 07444 | MLS #3936855 - Zillow
2025年2月2日 · Zillow has 12 photos of this $785,500 4 beds, 4 baths, -- sqft single family home located at 3 Voorhis Pl, Pompton Plains, NJ 07444 built in 2018. MLS #3936855.
George Murphy Obituary (2025) - Pompton Plains, NJ - M. John …
Heritage Funeral Home, Weddington/Matthews located at 3700 Forest Lawn Drive, Matthews, NC 28104. There will be a Memorial Gathering on Friday, January 24 from 4-8 PM at Scanlan's: Where life is...
Popular last names starting with N in Pompton Plains, NJ
Lookup people with a last name starting with N in the Pompton Plains, New Jersey (NJ) white pages phone book to find Phone Numbers, Addresses & More.
Pequannock Township, NJ 07444 | MLS# 25000339 | Redfin
2025年1月13日 · For Sale: 2 beds, 2 baths ∙ Pequannock Township, NJ 07444 ∙ $379,900 ∙ MLS# 25000339 ∙ Nestled in the highly sought-after @ Glens Community of Pompton Plains, this fully renovated, sun-drenched uni...
Pompton – Bits of History: Morris & Passaic County NJ
2021年4月24日 · “Pompton Plains, New Jersey” may be seen at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. My interest in Arrareek started with a print from an 1881 issue of a very popular 19th-Century magazine titled Harper’s Weekly. It depicted some farm scenes, but also a church I recognized right away, in a view that in some respects hasn’t really changed much since then.