E Zhu - 莪术 - Rhizoma Curcumae (Zedoariae) - American Dragon
It is used as a single herb for late stage cervical cancer during menses. It's primary action is in the abdomen, flanks and hypochondrium. It regulates Qi, increases appetite, breaks up Blood Stasis, relieves pain and stops dysentery.
E Zhu - TCM Herbs - TCM Wiki
2016年9月23日 · For food retention due to spleen deficiency and stuffiness, fullness, distension and pain of epigastrium and abdomen, it is combined with qi tonics and spleen-strengthening herbs such as Dang Shen, Fu Ling and Bai Zhu.
莪术 - 中药材 - 中医世家
本品为姜科植物 蓬莪术 Curcuma phaeocaulis Val.、 广西莪术 Curcuma Kwangsiensis S. G.Lee et C. F. Liang或 温郁金 Curcuma wenyujin Y.H. Chen et C. Ling的干燥 根茎。 后者习称“温莪术”。 冬季茎叶枯萎后采挖,洗净,蒸或煮至透心,晒干或低温干燥后除去须根及杂质。 蓬莪术:呈卵圆形、长卵形、圆锥形或长纺锤形,顶端多钝尖,基部钝圆,长2~8cm,直径1.5~4cm。 表面灰黄色至灰棕色,上部环节凸起,有圆形微凹的须根痕或有残留的须根,有的两侧各有1列下 …
E zhu (Zedoary rhizomes) in Chinese Medicine - meandqi.com
E zhu is a deputy ingredient in Guo Qi Yin. This means it helps the king ingredient (s) treat the main pattern or it serves to treat a coexisting pattern. In Guo Qi Yin, E zhu invigorates the Blood and moves Blood Stagnation. Read more about Guo Qi Yin. Formula key actions: Clears Heat and resolves Toxicity. Reduces swelling. Induces ulceration.
Chinese Herb: E Zhu (Zedoary Rhizome), Rhizoma Curcumae …
The Chinese herb 'E Zhu' (Zedoary Rhizome) is Bitter, Spicy, Warm, goes to the LIV, SP, and is in 'Herbs that Invigorate Blood and Remove Stagnation'.
E Zhu - 1st Chinese Herbs
E Zhu is a traditional Chinese herb that offers many health benefits including support joint and digestive health.
E Zhu (Cu Zhi) - 醋莪术 - Curcuma Rhizome (Processed)
Premium Quality Turmeric Rhizome Extract Granules, Vegan Friendly and Extracted Using only Purified Water. Lab Tested and Effective Traditional Chinese Medicine produced by Tianjiang. Herb Category: Invigorate the Blood. We pride ourselves …
ETCM,The Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicine covers the knowledge and science of prescriptions, Chinese herbal medicines, Chinese herbal medicines, targeted genes, and various aspects of diseases. It represents the role of each other from multiple levels and perspectives. Principle, a great reference for researchers.
Turmeric (Yu Jin, Jiang Huang, E Zhu) - White Rabbit Institute of …
In China, Yu Jin (Curcuma longa) and E Zhu (Curcuma zedoaria) are both used medicinally. They are two different species of turmeric and are different plants. E Zhu (Curcuma zedoaria) is Javanese turmeric and the root is white. Yu Jin (Curcuma longa) is Indian turmeric and the root is bright yellow-orange. Confusingly, both can be referred to as ...
揭秘莪术(é zhú)养殖秘籍,掌握生长习性,培育优质药材
2024年11月11日 · 莪术(é zhú)又称蓬莪术、姜黄等,是姜科姜黄属多年生草本植物。 它的根茎肉质粗壮,内面黄色或淡蓝色,具有极高的药用价值。 莪术的主要功效包括行气止痛、消食 …