Tucson Sentinel - Southern Az's watchdog news
We need your help. Unlike most news outlets, the Tucson Sentinel publishes our stories without a paywall. We believe a healthy community depends on everyone having access to quality independent ...
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We need your help. Unlike most news outlets, the Tucson Sentinel publishes our stories without a paywall. We believe a healthy community depends on everyone having access to quality independent ...
Tucsonans weigh pros & cons of Prop. 414 at town hall
4 天之前 · At a town hall on Tucson’s South Side on Thursday, residents and city officials gathered to discuss Prop. 414, a sales tax increase that will appear on the ballot in a special election March 11.
local news | TucsonSentinel.com
We need your help. Unlike most news outlets, the Tucson Sentinel publishes our stories without a paywall. We believe a healthy community depends on everyone having access to quality independent ...
breaking news | TucsonSentinel.com
We need your help. Unlike most news outlets, the Tucson Sentinel publishes our stories without a paywall. We believe a healthy community depends on everyone having access to quality independent ...
news news | TucsonSentinel.com
We need your help. Unlike most news outlets, the Tucson Sentinel publishes our stories without a paywall. We believe a healthy community depends on everyone having access to quality independent ...
politics & government news | TucsonSentinel.com
2024年12月28日 · We need your help. Unlike most news outlets, the Tucson Sentinel publishes our stories without a paywall. We believe a healthy community depends on everyone having access to quality independent ...
politics & government news | TucsonSentinel.com
The City Council is thinking about trying to buy a piece of Tucson Electric Power for a $820 million. Pima County Recorder's Office squirms in post-mortem when discussing election flub, and more ...
Sen. Wadsack heads to traffic trial next week after judge rejects ...
Posted Dec 19, 2024, 4:25 pm. Paul Ingram TucsonSentinel.com Arizona Sen. Justine Wadsack, a local Republican, will face a bench trial next week after a judge rebuffed a motion to dismiss her case.
arizona news - TucsonSentinel.com
We need your help. Unlike most news outlets, the Tucson Sentinel publishes our stories without a paywall. We believe a healthy community depends on everyone having access to quality independent ...