Seahorse Development - Embryology
Embryos lacked a primordial fin fold and developed some species characteristics, such as rays in the dorsal fin, before resorption of the yolk sac. At release, juvenile seahorses were in an advanced stage of development even if they lacked important adult characteristics, such as ring plates and coronet.
New insights into transcriptional and metabolic differences …
1 天前 · Seahorse embryos can develop outside a brood pouch, however, they do not develop as well and fewer make it to adulthood. The findings of the present study contribute valuable data to understanding successful gestation during male pregnancy and lay an important foundation for seahorse aquaculture.
Seahorse Reproduction - Cycle, Process & System Facts - Animal …
The mating pair entwine their tails and the female aligns a long tube called an ovipositor with the males pouch. The eggs move through the tube into the males pouch where he then fertilizes them. The embryos develop in ten days to six weeks, depending on species and water conditions. When the male gives birth he pumps his tail until the baby ...
seahorse.org - Fry Development Cycle - From Egg to Horse
At stage 3, the features of a seahorse embryo become far more recognizable. You can clearly see detailed eyes, a developing (albeit short) snout, and the tail is beginning to appear at the base of the body of the embryo. You can also still clearly make …
Immunogenetic losses co-occurred with seahorse male pregnancy …
2022年12月9日 · In the highly derived syngnathid fishes (pipefishes, seadragons & seahorses), the evolution of sex-role reversed brooding behavior culminated in the seahorse lineage’s male pregnancy, whose...
Seahorse Male Pregnancy as a Model System to Study Pregnancy, …
We describe here the characteristics of seahorse male pregnancy, its regulatory mechanisms, the development of immune tolerance of the parent toward the allogeneic embryos, and the effects of environmental pollutants on pregnancy and embryo development.
Sperm transport and male pregnancy in seahorses: An unusual …
2022年11月1日 · In this review, there is a focus initially on the unusual mechanisms involved in gamete transfer and fertilization, and subsequently on two topical issues in seahorse biology; (1) the extent to which the provision of support for developing embryos is a function of the male’s pouch, and (2) whether there are specific periods of time during the ...
Size does matter: An assessment of reproductive ... - ScienceDirect
2016年7月1日 · Seahorse embryos depend primarily upon the maternally-derived yolk reserves of the eggs, but the male still provides nutrients to the developing embryos (Ripley and Foran, 2009, Kvarnemo et al., 2011). The size of the young is thus expected to reflect both the initial size of oocytes and the embryonic growth rate, which is mainly related to the ...
A Pregnant Seahorse - Smithsonian Ocean
Instead of females, male seahorses carry the developing seahorse embryos in a kangaroo-like pouch. During mating season, the female deposits her eggs into the pouch, and the male fertilizes them. After about two weeks of development, out pop the seahorse fry, ready to swim off and explore the ocean world.
Embryonic developmental plasticity in the long-snouted seahorse ...
The aim of the present study was to investigate the hypothesis that parental periconception nutrition in adult seahorses affects the development and growth of their offspring. We tested the hypothesis that because seahorse embryos develop inside the male's brood pouch, manipulation of the male's die …