Jonathan Beardsley | Department of Mathematics and Statistics
My research is focused on topics in category theory, homotopy theory and algebraic topology. I am especially interested in: higher category theory; operads; chromatic homotopy theory; K-theory; the "field with one element"; cobordism theories; derived noncommutative algebra. Beardsley, Jonathan; Hackney, Philip.
Jonathan Beardsley
I'm Jonathan Beardsley, an Assistant Professor of mathematics at the University of Nevada, Reno. I finished my PhD in 2016 at Johns Hopkins University under Jack Morava. I am interested in algebraic topology, category theory and homotopy theory. In particular, I am interested in doing algebra and non-commutative geometry in homotopical settings.
Jonathan Beardsley - Google Scholar
Assistant Professor, University of Nevada, Reno - Cited by 90 - algebraic topology - category theory - homotopy theory - non-commutative geometry - operads
Research - Jonathan Beardsley
We have an informal seminar here at UNR on topics related to homotopical algebra, broadly construed. The website is here. Please contact me if you'd like to attend. Higher Groups and Higher Normality, with Landon Fox. Submitted (arXiv). Projective Geometries and Simple Pointed Matroids as 𝔽₁-modules, with So Nakamura. Submitted (arXiv).
“A Generalized Delooping Functor,” with J. Moeller, V. Ozornova and M. Rovelli. “Three Approaches to Unital Hyperstructures.” “Brauer-Wall Groups and Truncated Picard Spectra of K-theory” with K. Luecke and J. Morava. “Projective Geometries and Matroids as F1-modules” with S. Nakamura. 11.
Jonathan Beardsley - Assistant Professor Of Mathematics - LinkedIn
2019年2月21日 · Assistant Professor Of Mathematics at University of Nevada, Reno · I am a mathematician whose academic research focuses on category theory, topology, and homotopy...
- 职位: Assistant Professor Of …
- 位置: University of Nevada, Reno
- 人脉数: 79
User Jonathan Beardsley - Mathematics Stack Exchange
Assistant professor of mathematics at the University of Nevada, Reno. Interested in homotopy theory and category theory. Distinct Sylow p p -subgroups intersect only at the identity, which somehow follows from Lagrange's Theorem. Why? How much is cohomotopy dual to homotopy? Why are monadicity and descent related?
Jonathan Beardsley's articles on arXiv
Authors: Jonathan Beardsley Comments: Part of a series of expository papers describing the genesis and intuition behind math papers in algebraic topology, see mathusersguides.com for more information, 15 pages
Jonathan Beardsley Awarded Simons Foundation Collaboration Grant
2021年6月4日 · Department of Mathematics and Statistics Assistant Professor Jonathan Beardsley has been awarded a Simons Foundation Collaboration Grant for Mathematicians for …
Jonathan BEARDSLEY | PostDoc Position | PhD from Johns …
Jonathan BEARDSLEY, PostDoc Position | Cited by 39 | of University of Washington Seattle, Seattle (UW) | Read 10 publications | Contact Jonathan BEARDSLEY