Macusoper Busters | GoAnipedia | Fandom
Macusoper Busters is a character created by DCoolFuture99 AKA SuperMarioKing1999. The character of Macusoper is just the 'Bodyguard' Stock Character. His father is Richard Busters, the face of the UTTP and Yes. And, despite how strong he is, he just doesn't land a …
Macusoper Busters - GoAnimate V2 Wiki
Macusoper Busters is a former Troublemaker on GoAnimate. Around late 2015 & early 2016, some users, such as MacusoperandLPSYESDieselBustersNo2016, started to like him, and started to use his father as a troublemaker or a villain. However, some still depict him as a troublemaker, as a bully who...
Macusoper Busters | GoAnimate Community - Fandom
Macusoper Busters is one of the Troublemakers on GoAnimate. He is always late for school and often talks smack to the other students. He sometimes makes Fake VHS Openings like what Warren Cook does, albeit the latter two only on the odd occasion or two.
Macusoper Cuts School & Gets Grounded - YouTube
Macusoper doesn't want to take a math test today, so he decided to cut class.
Macusoper | GoAnimate V3 Wiki | Fandom
Macusoper was created by the legendary DCoolFuture99. He is extremely aggressive and also has a contradictive nature - he claims to be asexual, yet tried to hit on Kendra Hamilton one day.
Macusoper gets kicked out | GoAnipedia | Fandom
Macusoper gets kicked out is a GoAnimate episode. Macusoper's Mom: Macusoper! I heard that you got grounded for trying to talk to Warren, killing Oobi & Timmy Turner, getting in trouble at school, etc. You also made grounded videos out of users, especially Coulden Pettit, my …
Macusoper in the GoAnimate Universe Season 1 Episode 2
Macusoper finds out he failed on the test, and how has to suffer the wrath of Jake and Mr. West.
Macusoper | Go!Thug247 Wiki | Fandom
Macusoper Busters is a GoAnimate character from DCoolFuture99. His father is a big PC Guy (although Curiousgorge55 uses a normal-sized PC Guy, and Parakeetsrule uses Eric Nagler). Macusoper always gets in Trouble Big Time! Also, he has a brother named Andrew (not to be confused with Andrew Clark).
Category:Macusoper Episodes | GoAnipedia | Fandom
Star Trek Quogs; It's Happy Bunny; Willie Nelson; AKON; Street Fighter; Saturday Morning TV (Underdog) DomoAnimate; Cartoon Network Toon Creator
Macusoper | Doomsday Animations Wiki - Fandom
Macusoper is a GoAnimate character that first appeared in the 2020 grounded episode "Little Bill Kills His Dad's Boss" as kicking out Little Bill from San Jose office twice, but gets fooled when Little Bill dresses up as his father.