小鹏汽车(Xpeng Motors)今日早盘表现抢眼,股价涨幅达到5.10%,目前报93.80港元,成交额达到7.567亿港元。这家电动汽车制造商在交付方面的持续强劲表现,不仅赢得了投资者的青睐,同时也吸引了分析师的关注。
Deputy to the 14th National People's Congress and Chairman of Guangdong XPENG Motors Technology Co., Ltd., Mr. He Xiaopeng, highlighted the intensifying competition between regions. He acknowledged th ...
在今日举行的XPeng X9发布会新闻会上,Bermaz Auto集团首席执行官Dato’ Francis Lee透露,该品牌将在“未来一年内”推出两款全新车型。
小鹏XPENG早前推出全新X9纯电动旗舰级豪华MPV,港版一式两款包括今趟实地测试610 Pro长续航及702 Pro超长续航型号,同样为单马达前驱格式,前者搭载84.5kWh磷酸铁锂电池、续航力480km ...
天眼查知识产权信息显示,近日,广东小鹏汽车科技有限公司申请注册1枚“P7 Ultra”,国际分类为运输工具,当前商标状态为等待实质审查。
Chinese automotive brand Xpeng has officially reached the Indonesian market by introducing two models of its electric car, ...
One of China's leading electric vehicle makers XPeng plans to double the number of countries in which the company operates by the end of this year, its CEO said Saturday. One of China's leading ...