We’ve got a scale proposed for an opening price and a final price, very similar to what happened last year’ — Jason Sullivan, ...
Monica Talbert, founder of the Plant Based Seafood Company, finally made it onto the Seafood Expo North America show floor as ...
The Dutch land-based yellowtail farmer has been steadily improving its operational EBITDA y-o-y, recording a margin of ...
The four-year global contest, one of the largest incentive prizes in history, challenges innovators to create solutions that ...
A trade war initiated by US president Donald Trump is heating up as the European Union and Canada formulate retaliation plans ...
Alaska is speaking with the voice that is — in one sense pleading between our two greatest powers, our government — the United States — and the Canadian government, to come together, to work together ...
The market for imported, farm-raised white and black tiger shrimp is mostly stable and targeted changes reflect the current balance ...
The US wholesale coverage now spans major categories including shrimp, lobster, crab, groundfish, farmed whitefish, scallops, cephalopods and salmon, providing subscribers with actionable insights at ...
UCN’s week 13 price assessments and market wrap-ups for US wholesale prices for crab, salmon, shrimp, frozen lobster, ...
Tanaka joined Nissui in 1988 and has held numerous leadership roles, most recently as director and executive officer ...
BioMar produced nearly 1m metric tons of aquafeed containing microalgae last year, about 70% of its total volume ...
Fishmeal demand is on the cusp of becoming inelastic, while fish oil is already there as aquaculture loses market share to the pharmaceutical sector, according to Rabobank ...