每月统计的会员国全额支付数目: ...
在2015年9月通过的《2030年可持续发展议程》中, 联合国确认消除包括极端贫困在内的各个层面的一切形式的贫困,是最重大的全球性挑战,也是可 ...
Glaciers are nature’s frozen sentinels, vast rivers of ice and snow that carve the Earth, silently bearing witness to the passage of time and the shifting rhythms of our planet. They are ...
Pourquoi est-il si important d’améliorer la sécurité sanitaire des aliments ? L’accès à des quantités suffisantes d’aliments sûrs est indispensable pour une bonne santé et dans la ...
The following United Nations General Terms and Conditions of Contract are annexed to the UNPD contract documents as appropriate and form an integral part of the contract documents. General ...
Los bosques, pilares de la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición mundial, son el sustento de millones de familias. Proveen alimentos esenciales como frutos, semillas, raíces y carne silvestre ...
20 Marzo 2025 — El deshielo de esos cuerpos de agua causado por el cambio climático tiene una injerencia directa en los ecosistemas y de la economía de las sociedades, exponiéndolas a riesgos ...
كراهية الإسلام "الإسلاموفوبيا" هي الخوف من المسلمين والتحامل عليهم، ما يؤدي إلى نصب العداء لهم والتعصب ضدا ...
The Trusteeship Council, one of the main organs of the UN, was established to supervise the administration of trust territories as they transitioned from colonies to sovereign nations. The Council ...
проведение калечащих операций на женских половых органах (женское обрезание); нанесение шрамов, клеймение ...
Forests, pillars of global food security and nutrition, are the livelihoods of millions of families. They provide essential foods such as fruits, seeds, roots and wild meat, fundamental resources ...
The UN Charter is the constitutive instrument of the United Nations, signed on 26 June 1945. It sets out the rights and obligations of Member States and establishes the principal organs and ...