Professor On Shun Pak and his team of student researchers use microrobots to model the swimming motion of bacteria in the ...
This resource is designed for psychology educators and students and can also be useful for those seeking care for themselves or family members. Materials in this package include background information ...
The Certified Equity Professional Institute (CEPI) at the Leavey Executive Center is the premier certification body for equity compensation professionals, offering three exams designed to showcase ...
Ethical Decision Making resources provide an introduction to basic ideas in applied ethics, such as utilitarianism, rights, justice, virtue, and the common good. We also look at foundational questions ...
Victoria Wenxin Xie is an assistant professor at Santa Clara University. Her research combines applied econometric techniques and quantitative spatial modeling to understand 1) the impact of climate ...
The Office of Accessible Education has been designated by the University to ensure disabled students have equitable access to all academic and University programs. We strive to support students with ...
Find case studies and scenarios on a variety of fields in applied ethics.
Long before the arrival of the first Europeans, the South Bay was home to a large native population—numbering 10,000 people. They had occupied the Bay Area for thousands of years divided into as many ...
Combining experiential learning and a nationally recognized teacher-scholar model, Santa Clara's whole-person education helps tomorrow's leaders find not just their vision, but their voice and values.
The Transfer Admission Agreement (TAA) is an agreement between the specific Community College, a student from that college, and Santa Clara University's Office of Undergraduate Admission, stipulating ...
Find ethics case studies on bribery, sourcing, intellectual property, downsizing, and other topics in business ethics, corporate governance, and ethical leadership. (For permission to reprint articles ...
For specific information on Santa Clara University tuitions, fees, housing, meal plans and other related charges, please refer the University's tuition and fees. For graduate students, the Cost of ...