Two brand new exhibitions opening during First Friday in Downtown Manteo! Mark Brothers Pen & Ink Exhibit will open in the Vault Gallery, and. The Power of Art Exhibit will open i ...
NWS Newport/Morehead reports that severe weather is possible for Monday evening for Eastern North Carolina. Here are the details. TIMING: Monday evening 7 PM – 2 AM Greatest threat for severe ...
Manteo’s independent bookstore begins the season with Robin Daniels Holt, a 9th and 12th generation Outer Banker and author of My Daily Bounded Realm: A Journal of Daily Life ...
LeVern Davis Parker will share the story of life during World War II in Manteo through the lens of the Manteo Boat Building Company.
New technology could conceivably save money and sand By Kip Tabb | Outer Banks Voice As a mitigation tool to protect homes and infrastructure, beach nourishment has worked well for the Outer ...
The National Park Service has released this information on the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse restoration. The National Park Service is continuing its work to repair the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, ...
Votes to fill the board vacancy have resulted in deadlock. By Mark Jurkowitz | Outer Banks Voice Back in October, Nags Head Commissioner Kevin Brinkley resigned that post after moving outside the ...
In observance of the upcoming Good Friday holiday, all Dare County offices and facilities will be closed on Friday, April 18, 2025. Residential trash collection for the week of Monday, April 14, ...
Amanda Stewart joined Outer Banks Health in July, 2020. Since joining the Urgent Care team, she has proven to be an invaluable member.
Provision was tacked onto Helene funding bill last year By Kip Tabb | Outer Banks Voice Although 25 bills have been filed in the North Carolina Legislation to rescind a last-minute provision in a ...
A state transportation contractor plans to start construction next week to improve the five-lane section of U.S. 64 between the Melvin R. Daniels Bridge (Little Bridge) and the Washington Baum ...
Nearly 60 fourth and fifth-grade mathletes from across the district competed in the Dare County Schools 3rd Annual 24 Game Math Competition on Wednesday, March 26, at First Flight Elementary ...