二月是寒假,波兰人经常在此期间组织旅行,这反映在花费在电视屏幕前的时间减少上:与 2025 年 1 月(4 小时 12 分钟)相比,平均每天减少 5 分钟。观看传统电视的时间每天减少 4 分钟,观看流媒体内容的时间平均每天减少 1 分钟。 流媒体在电视总收视中所占 ...
2 月 9 日(周日)成为 Gauge 历史上电视收视率第二高的一天,全天收视总时长超过 1100 亿分钟。 在大比赛期间,Tubi 占所有流媒体的三分之一。 迄今为止,流媒体电视的份额最大,为 43.5%;传统电视以不到一个百分点的份额领先,为 44.4%。 纽约 --2025 年 3 月 18 ...
纽约州纽约市--2025年3月19日-- 全球受众测量、数据和分析领域的领导者尼尔森今天发布了2025年全球媒体规划报告。在媒体格局如此分散和复杂的今天,该报告旨在帮助广告主和出版商在一个比以往任何时候都更加微妙和多面的生态系统中穿行。 为了帮助营销 ...
Consumer preferences in the U.S. are shifting fast. Market researchers need to understand not just who consumers are, but also what drives their behaviors and decisions. Nielsen Scarborough’s detailed ...
The integration between Acxiom Real ID and Nielsen is an industry first. IPG marketers and agencies can now identify, reach, measure, and optimize messaging and media experiences to the audiences that ...
Descubra as três principais tendências que estão remodelando a forma como as marcas se conectam com o público em todo o mundo e como você pode aproveitá-las para impulsionar sua estratégia de ...
Learn how radio effectively reaches Black audiences and offers key advertising opportunities for brands looking to engage ...
YouTube took the lead in Nielsen’s February 2025 Media Distributor Gauge, gaining 2% over January to capture 11.6% of time spent watching TV across the month. This marks YouTube’s best share of TV to ...
How a company allocates its media dollars between traditional and digital channels has a lot to do with the size of its media budget.
As part of Nielsen’s purpose to power a better media future for all people, we strive every day to engage our people, processes, data and technology to make Nielsen a more responsible company and to ...
Nielsen, a global leader in audience measurement, data, and analytics, has today released its 2025 global media planning ...