Chief Executive John Lee and his wife Janet Lee attend a welcome banquet hosted by President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng ...
禁常會60周年紀念活動包括 巡迴展覽 ...
In response to the announcement by the US to impose an additional 10% duty on Hong Kong products, the Hong Kong Special ...
Secretary for Security Tang Ping-keung officiates at the opening ceremony of a series of activities to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Action Committee Against Narcotics.
Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Rosanna Law expresses sorrow over the passing of Choi Chang-sau, a master of the “Arts of the Guqin”, and extends condolences to Mr Choi’s family.
The Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Ordinance 2023 (Commencement) Notice was published in the Government Gazette today.
《2023年刑事訴訟程序(修訂)條例草案》2023年7月12日獲立法會通過。修訂條例訂明有關無須答辯的上訴機制,容許控方可就高等法院原訟法庭在設有陪審團的刑事審訊中作出的無須答辯判定提出上訴。新上訴機制一直有待《刑事訴訟程序(針對無須答辯的判定的上訴 ...
本月9日舉行的 渣打香港馬拉松2025 ,以及本月14日至16日舉行的 浪琴香港國際馬術盛典 ,獲頒「M」品牌認可。