Our approach to graduate education is about more than just supporting new areas of interdisciplinary exploration. It’s about giving students the resources — strengthened by research and outreach ...
The essential function of the Political Science program at the Graduate Center is to educate professional political scientists, capable of independent research and qualified for careers in academic ...
Memory studies; relationship between history and memoir; minority identity; language in Diaspora; theories of post colonialism and nationalism; critical legal studies; law and ethics; literary ...
The Doctoral and Graduate Students’ Council (DGSC) is the sole policy-making body representing students in doctoral and master’s programs at the Graduate Center. The DGSC and its officers are charged ...
From its inception in 1983, the Ph.D. Program in Earth and Environmental Sciences has identified itself with "promoting teaching and research in the study of the earth." With faculty in atmospheric ...
Presented in the warm, intimate, acoustically rich Elebash Recital Hall, Music in Midtown is a series of lunchtime concerts spotlighting the program's renowned faculty, alumni, and outstanding ...
Can security be bought? At this moment when people are nervous about their safety, authors Setha Low and Mark Maguire discuss how security has become a commodity, causing both those with and those ...
Ph.D. in English, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2014 M.A. in English, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2010 B.A. in English, Anthropology and minor in Film Studies, Bryn Mawr College, 2006 Ria Banerjee is an ...
The M.S. in Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences at the Graduate Center prepares students from a variety of backgrounds for a data-driven future. Data analysis is driving research and ...
History of New York City, 19th Century New York, New YorkÕs free Black Communities, Material Culture, Public History, Archives, Digital Humanities Prithi Kanakamedala an Associate Professor in the ...
Molly Aitken's publications include The Intelligence of Tradition in Rajput Court Painting (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010), and When Gold Blossoms: Indian Jewelry from the Susan L. Beningson ...
The CUNY Academy is a CUNY-wide institute, housed at the Graduate Center, for the promotion and support of CUNY faculty research and scholarship. We offer conference travel support, awards for ...