Learn about Gene Hart's antique John Deere tractor collection with matching plows started by his father and still working hard today.
See how retirement allowed one man to live his lifelong dreams of pursuing art by welding statues from antique farm machinery.
The earliest wheels were most likely made from rounds of solid wood, which would have been relatively simple to make, but the spoked wheel required greater skills and more specialized tools. It is ...
I am writing this letter to you at the request of Harlen Maier. He has been receiving Farm Collector for quite a few years. Believe it or not, he just had his 100th birthday and is still going strong.
Countless contraptions that revolutionized farming in the 19th and early 20th centuries have become contemporary curiosities or even mysteries. Here are six sent in by readers. Do you know what they ...
Case Steam Engine No. 1. Traction steam engines were made about 1876. These early models required a team hitched in front for steering. By 1885 this was changed by the use of steering chains wound ...
In the 1800’s at the town of Ketchum, Idaho, the Fast Freight Line, owned and operated by Horace Lewis – was in operation. Many freight outfits were in operation. Horace Lewis, ran one of the biggest ...
As I am recuperating from an operation in the hospital and have nothing to do, I thought I would write a few stories told to me by my uncle who was a fireman on a Bufflo-Pitts steam engine. But first ...
Sawing wood by steam at the Reunion, 1962. See New York Steam Engine Association Report.
The L. Spence portable engine made at Martin's Ferry, Ohio. They ceased business at an early day as far as our dates of threshers are concerned.