We are researching technologies that make the transport system more climate-friendly, safer and more liveable. To this end, we are driving forward the digitalisation and automation of road traffic, ...
In diesem Jahr beschert uns der Frühlingsmonat März gleich zwei Finsternisse: am 14. März eine Mondfinsternis, deren totale ...
With its know-how and overall system expertise in passive and active microwaves, the Microwaves and Radar Institute develops innovative sensors, algorithms and applications for ground-based, airborne ...
View through all layers of the Earth’s atmosphere, including aurora borealis as seen from the research aircraft HALO during a flight in the Arctic. Whether in science, technology or as part of an ...
U-Shift auf der Bundesgartenschau (BUGA) 2023 - For­schungs­be­trieb auf der Bun­des­gar­ten­schau in Mann­heim. Ob als On-demand-Shuttle, Hightech-Rufbus, als flexibles Verteilzentrum für Güter und ...
The department “Earth System Modelling” investigates the movement and chemical composition of atmospheric air and the associated energy and mass fluxes with the help of numerical simulation and ...
Das DLR-Projekt konzentriert sich auf die Entwicklung und Herstellung einer Turbinenleitschaufel auf Basis von zwei der vielversprechendsten neuen Werkstoffklassen: additiv gefertigte Metalle und ...
Dive into the fascinating world of our diverse activities! Our short film takes you on an exciting journey through our key areas and showcases what drives us. Discover what makes us unique. In the ...
At the ZLP site in Augsburg, which is also the Automation and Quality Assurance Department in Production Technology at the Institute of Construction and Structural Technology, science and industry are ...
DLR's concept allows collaborative robots to yield without being forced back to their original position like a mechanical spring. In robotics, compliance refers to a robot's ability to adapt its ...
Die Windkraft ist schon jetzt die zweitwichtigste Energiequelle in Deutschland. Sie leistet den größten Beitrag zur Stromerzeugung aus erneuerbaren Ressourcen. Bereits ein Viertel des Stroms stammte ...