Over three million families will lose an average of £1,720 per year in real terms by 2029-30, as a result of proposed changes to disability and incapacity benefits, the government has estimated. This ...
Children’s social workers are to be measured against a new set of post-qualifying standards (PQS), under Department for Education (DfE) proposals. The proposed standards would replace the existing PQS ...
Prime minister questioned on future of Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund, with therapy for thousands of children ...
Kim Leadbeater pledges to amend assisted dying bill to extend opt-outs from process to practitioners other than health ...
Vicky Wright has enabled social workers to start doing life story work earlier by creating child-focused books for children ...
Think Ahead wants 24,000 more NHS mental health social workers recruited over next 10 years but warns trusts are cutting back ...
Case reviews have traditionally not involved social workers. However, doing so ensures accuracy and enhances learning, writes ...
Rejection of Lords amendments exempting sector from tax increase is 'devastating blow' that will force social care providers ...
Plan for five-year early career framework dropped, but proposed social work induction programme conditional on spending ...
In the second episode of our new ‘Social work around the world‘ miniseries, we continue the conversation with Yohai Hakak, senior social work lecturer at Brunel University, London, who shares some ...
Share your experience of social work learning, for the latest wave of Community Care Inform's Learning Landscapes research ...