Spring, Summer, and Fall-Winter room selection will take place during late March and early April. Winter Only room selection will take place during late November or early December. Room selection ...
If you are going to serve a mission, it is very likely that there will be things to be taken care of while you are still out in the field. It is a very good idea to entrust a parent or sibling with ...
There are basements available for use in each quad in South Wymount Terrace (except Quad 3). Basements can only be reserved between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. for up to three hours. Basements can be ...
Why Are There Ten Payments? All Fall-Winter housing and meal plan agreements are set up on a ten-payment plan. Two of these payments are due prior to the agreement start date. The first five payments, ...
Students come from all over the world to study at Brigham Young University. Nearly 150 years after its humble beginnings, this church-sponsored institution has become one of the largest private ...
If you are not able, on your room selection date and time, to obtain the type of bedspace you want, the waiting list for 18 and Under Communities will be available to admitted new students who ...
Brigham Young University is founded, supported, and guided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As disciples of Jesus Christ, BYU students, employees, and alumni are motivated by love ...
You should feel comfortable in your room and residence hall, and so should your neighbors. Excessive noise, disturbing the peace, and disruptive behavior are all inappropriate actions. Examples of ...
Payments are due on the first of each month. A $30 late fee will be assessed to all individuals with outstanding balances after the tenth. Please note that if payment is not made on or before the ...