Talks between Russia and the United States were challenging but useful and the United Nations and other countries will be ...
The prime ministers of New Zealand and Papua New Guinea have signed a new statement of partnership marking 50 years of ...
The National Emergency Management Agency and GNS Science are currently assessing whether an earthquake has created a tsunami ...
The Minister of Māori Development didn't know Cabinet had agreed not to include the clause in the coalition's proposed ...
Tauranga ratepayers face a proposed overall rates rise of 12 percent from July, but the mayor says it could have been more ...
Julia Creek in North Queensland is in desperate need of a doctor, and applicants are being offered more money than the ...
Under proposals released by the Representation Commission, the electorates of Ōhāriu, Mana, and Ōtaki will be scrapped, and ...
Under Urgency the House will also debate on Wednesday and Thursday mornings (from 9am), and until midnight (on Wednesday).
Massey University says housing affordability has improved, even though median house prices only fell in two regions.
A Māori lawyer has launched a petition calling for the government to cancel Compass Group's school lunch contract, saying the ...
New Zealand may escape relatively lightly from any US tariffs imposed on the Asia-Pacific region, according to a new report.