Objectives Many hospitals use fall prevention alarms, despite the limited evidence of effectiveness. The objectives of this ...
Background Inpatient falls are adverse events that often result in injury due to complex interactions between the hospital ...
Diagnostic delay, a type of diagnostic error, is the failure to establish an accurate and timely diagnosis; diagnostic delay ...
Comparing safety, performance and user perceptions of a patient-specific indication-based prescribing tool with current practice: a mixed methods randomised user testing study ...
Background Proximal femoral fractures in older adults affect prognosis, quality of life and medical expenses. Therefore, ...
Quality Literature Program, The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice; Office of Research and Innovation in Medical Education, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, New Hampshire, ...
1 School of Nursing, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada 2 School of Health Policy and Management, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Background As efforts to integrate patient safety ...
Background Early identification of clinical deterioration is critical in providing high quality care to hospitalized patients. Having invested heavily in electronic medical records, hospitals are ...
Social Science Applied to Healthcare Improvement Research Group, Department of Health Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK Correspondence to Professor Mary Dixon-Woods, ...
Correspondence to Professor Rosalind Raine, Department of Applied Health Research, University College London, London WC1E 7HB, UK; r.raine{at}ucl.ac.uk Objective Multidisciplinary team (MDT) meetings ...
A wide variety of research studies suggest that breakdowns in the diagnostic process result in a staggering toll of harm and patient deaths. These include autopsy studies, case reviews, surveys of ...
In 2009, the National Patient Safety Foundation’s Lucian Leape Institute (LLI) published a paper identifying five areas of healthcare that require system-level attention and action to advance patient ...