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We collect and process your personal information for the following purposes: Authentication, Preferences, Acknowledgement and Statistics. To learn more, please read our privacy policy.
November economic activity data suggests gradual growth, driven by strong external demand, particularly for goods exports and tourism, as well as a slight recovery in private consumption supported by ...
Armenia, a landlocked country in the South Caucasus with a population of three million, has registered important achievements over the past two decades. Between 2000–2023, Armenia achieved robust ...
This paper quantifies the impact of the Boko Haram conflict on various educational outcomes of individuals living in North-East Nigeria during the period 2009–2016. Using individual panel ...
This report aims to identify barriers, needs, and potential opportunities for Kosovo to digitally transform its basic education system to strengthen efficiency and improve student performance in ...
This Public Expenditure Review (PER) is the result of collaboration among UNICEF, the World Bank Group, and Lesotho's Ministries of Health and Finance. Senior economists from the Clinton Health Access ...
This case study describes Bangladesh’s success story using the standardized approach used by the Universal Health Coverage Studies Series (UNICO Studies Series) to provide a balanced account of the ...
Procuring Infrastructure PPPs 2018 assesses the regulatory frameworks and recognized good practices that govern PPP procurement across 135 economies, with the aim of helping countries improve the ...
A Toolkit for Out-of-Court Workouts was created to achieve two objectives: (1) to provide policy makers with tools to develop a corporate restructuring framework and culture in their country; and (2) ...