Опасаясь возобновления агрессии со стороны Азербайджана, армянские власти в последние дни активно пытались заручиться ...
Fearing renewed Azerbaijani aggression, Armenian government officials have scrambled in the last few days to shore up ...
China has carved out a dominating role in Central Asia’s electronic vehicle market. Now, Beijing is looking to replicate its ...
RTVI quoted an anonymous entrepreneur who complained bitterly about bankers’ vigilance when it comes to money moving between ...
Venture capital is increasingly flowing to start-ups in Central Asia. But the relatively low number of investors in the region still prompts many Central Asian-born entrepreneurs to relocate abroad to ...
The commission published data separately for Central Asia’s two major water sources, the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers.
Long-time enemies Armenia and Azerbaijan are engaged in what could be described as a “rapprochement race,” with each striving ...
Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan achieved the highest overall rankings among Eurasian states included in the survey, coming in at 43rd and 53rd respectively out of 147 countries. Both scored comparatively ...