Being part of Peking University means having access to a wide range of retail stores and services on campus. Here you can find information on campus services you may need, including bookstores, ...
A recent questionnaire by Peking University indicates that starting salaries for new college graduates this year are an average of 2,400 yuan ($400) per month–and as nearly 40 percent of college ...
Established in April 2019, the Office of Global Communications serves as a channel to connect Peking University with other institutions across the globe through various social media platforms and ...
Being part of Peking University means having access to a wide range of retail stores and services on campus. The PKU Retail and Service Guide provides information on campus services you may need, ...
{T}he Office of the President is the center of school administration, playing a crucial role in assisting school leadership, supervising and inspecting decisive actions, coordinating across ...
Peking University, Feb. 26, 2011:Zhu Guangya, a pioneer of China’s nuclear science, passed away in Beijing on Saturday at the age of 87. Zhu Guangya has contributed to China's breakthrough in atomic ...
{T}he Office of Human Resources is responsible for the overall management of faculty, staff and postdoctoral personnel. It is committed to maximizing the structural efficiency of faculty body and ...
Peking University, January 28, 2021: More efforts should be called to help entrepreneurs in the education sector form new ideas and creativity to gear up new growth engines for the industry amid the ...
No. COURSE ID COURSE NAME CREDITS HOURS PER WEEK TOTAL HOURS 101 01015110 Theoretical Organic Chemistry 2 2 30 ...
Peking University yesterday announced plans to launch China's second international program as the country seeks greater influence in global education and more international prestige, commensurate with ...
BEIJING, Feb. 24 (Xinhua)-- Peking University launched 32 open online courses over the lunar new year holiday, the university announced Wednesday. They will be offered through the Chinese MOOCs ...
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