The UN Human Rights Council has not fulfilled its purpose and continues to be used as a protective body for countries ...
Our efforts to secure a peace settlement between Russia and Ukraine are now, hopefully, underway. It’s so important to get that done,” said President Trump.
In a statement, Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth said the airstrikes were undertaken in coordination with the Federal ...
The United States and the G7 "strongly condemn the Rwanda-backed M23 offensive in the eastern Democratic Republic of the ...
We are just profoundly grateful,” said Secretary Rubio. “[I]t’s just one more sign of what an incredible friend we have here ...
"We strongly urge the [Burmese] military regime to cease violence, including harming civilians and civilian infrastructure, ...
"The Cuban regime has long supported acts of international terrorism. We call for the regime to end its support for terrorism," said Secretary Rubio.
This is an effective way to stem the flow of illegal migration,” said Secretary Rubio. “And it would have been impossible to ...
"We have 30,000 beds in Guantánamo to detain the worst criminal illegal aliens who threaten the American people," said ...
مارچ 2022 میں ماسکو سٹی کونسل کے اجلاس میں سٹی کونسلر اور انسانی حقوق کے علمبردا ر الیکسی گورینوف نے زور دیا کہ میٹنگ کا آغاز ان بچوں اور دیگر متاثرین کو یاد کرنے کے لیے ایک لمحے کی خاموشی سے کیا ...
د امریکا د دفاع وزیر هګیت وویل، "ولسمشر موږ ته یو روښانه ماموریت راکړ: د ځواک له لارې سوله ترلاسه کول. موږ به دا په دریو لارو ترسره کړو - د جګړیزو اخلاقو په احیا کولو، زموږ د پوځ په بیارغولو او د ...
“Kina, me një popullsi prej 1.4 miliardë banorësh, 300 për qind më të madhe se ajo e Shteteve të Bashkuara, kontribuon gati 90 për qind më pak se Uashingtoni për buxhetin e OBSH-së”, tha Presidenti ...