DX-Adventure is thrilled to announce our upcoming VU4AX DX-pedition to the beautiful South Andaman Islands (IOTA AS-001).
W1DED Video. Top Contesting Secrets: Break Through Pile-Ups Like a Pro!
VU4AX Team will be active from Andaman Islands, IOTA AS - 001, 10 - 21 March 2025. Team - ON4AMX/VU3PFV, ON4HIL/VU3PFT, ON5UR/VU3PFE, ON5RA/VU3PFF, ON5TN, ON6CC/VU3PFN, ON7FT/VU3PFH, ON7USB/VU3PFQ, ...
Дипломная программа RDA и соответствующий ей RDA Contest уже более 20 лет радуют радиолюбителей в России и в других странах мира. Судя по кластеру RDA, 200, 300, иногда и 400 человек находятся на ...
VU4AX Team will be active from Andaman Islands, IOTA AS - 001, 10 - 21 March 2025.
via LoTW (gratis); We will also send our logs to the programs: Parks on the Air, World Wide Flora & Fauna, paper QSL cards, two or three months after the expedition, checking the correctness of the ...
As requested by many of our viewers, DXNews now feature a Forum covering the most important topics related to Amateur radio.
Darren, VK4MAP will be active as H40DA from Pigeon Island, IOTA OC - 065, Temotu, early part 2025. He will operate on 80 - 10m, SSB. Darren, VK4FEDX is currently active from Nendo Island, IOTA OC - ...
Chuck, KG9N will be active as VP2ECV from Anguilla Island, IOTA NA - 022, 4 - 18 February 2025. He will operate on HF Bands. Recent DX Spots VP2ECV QSL via home call. Anguilla Island is the pearl of ...
Команда C5PL будет активна из Гамбии, 1 - 6 февраля 2025. Команда в составе - LB0OG, SP1C, SP1FM, SQ1GU.
Много необоснованных слухов и выражений недоброжелательности направлено против команды ...
While the majority of Amateur Radio operators choose only a few of the HF bands, below 30 MHz, to participate in contests, there are some broad-minded enthusiasts who go beyond this limit and have as ...