Ne Zha 2 has grossed over 15 billion yuan, reviving China’s animation industry. Despite challenges like funding shortages, ...
China will allow commercial banks to raise individual consumption loans' maximum amount to 500,000 yuan from 300,000 yuan and extend the credit line of personal internet consumption loans to 300,000 ...
昨天是第65个世界气象日主题是携手缩小早期预警差距这一天“世界气象日”“气象”“预警”等热词频频刷屏冲上热搜究竟有哪些精彩内容?一起来看这一天,多家政务官微在新浪微博上,联动发布世界气象日专属海报进行宣传。活动约覆盖2.4亿人群。第四届抖音达人探气象 ...
BEIJING, 23 mar (Xinhua) -- La franquicia de películas animadas "Ne Zha" ha alcanzado otro hito histórico para la industria cinematográfica china, con ingresos totales de taquilla que superan los ...
A franquia de filmes animados "Ne Zha" alcançou mais um marco histórico para a indústria cinematográfica chinesa, com sua ...
BEIJING, March 23 (Xinhua) -- The "Ne Zha" animated film franchise has reached another historic milestone for the Chinese film industry, with its total box office revenue surpassing 20 billion yuan ...
上周末逢3月学校假期的开始,动画片在新加坡热销。梦工厂动画公司制作的《超狗神探》和有超过94年历史的经典卡通IP《乐一通大战外星人:粉红末日》开画首周都进入10大票房。《超》的全球票房突破1.26亿美元(约1.68亿新元),是《哪吒之魔童闹海》(简称 ...
Released on January 29 during the Chinese New Year, "Ne Zha 2" rocketed to the top of China's all-time box office chart ...
Many users believe the price for learning English with the "attractive" and "handsome" star is reasonable. And the course is ...