以色列宣布已击毙哈马斯实际上的总理伊斯梅尔·巴尔胡姆 (Ismail Barhoum)时,加沙的许多人都感到意外,他们甚至不知道Barhoum被赋予了这项职务。就在五天前,以色列的一次空袭炸死了他的前任。
据熟悉以色列政府想法的消息人士透露,以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡 (Benjamin Netanyahu)及其新的国家安全团队正计划对加沙发动 大规模的地面进攻 ,他们认为,占领并控制大片领土将使他们最终能够击败巴勒斯坦伊斯兰抵抗运动哈马斯。
Os países europeus condenaram veementemente os últimos ataques aéreos israelenses fatais na Faixa de Gaza e pediram o fim ...
Israeli airstrikes killed several senior officials in the Hamas-run government during a large-scale attack on the Gaza Strip early Tuesday, Palestinian security and medical sources said. At least five ...
In a statement, Hamas said its leadership delegation, which received a proposal from mediators on Thursday to resume ...
JERUSALEM, March 9 (Xinhua) -- Israel announced Sunday that it was halting the electricity supply to the Gaza Strip to pressure Hamas into releasing hostages. "I have just signed an order to ...
以色列总理办公室星期天(3月2日)清晨表示,以色列将采纳唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统特使史蒂夫·维特科夫(Steve Witkoff)提出的在斋月和逾越节期间 ...