SEOUL, March 27 (Xinhua) -- The top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) guided the defence science research work of the country's Unmanned Aeronautical Technology Complex and ...
The drones performed many Tai Chi moves, it was so fun. 🥳🥳 Guess how many drones are in the performance? 🤣✨ #Drones #TaiChi #Citypromotion ...
Spring is in full swing, and so is the farming season. In southwest China's Chongqing, the fields are buzzing with a modern twist. Drones and intelligent machinery are taking center stage. Join us to ...
在当今复杂多变的地缘政治格局中,俄乌冲突犹如一场惊心动魄的持久战,持续吸引着全球的目光。这场冲突的激烈程度不断升级,双方在军事对抗的各个领域展开了激烈角逐,局势愈发呈现出紧张而胶着的态势,宛如一场没有硝烟的残酷战争,深刻影响着地区乃至全球的政治、经济 ...
El turismo de baja altitud ha devenido un motor clave del consumo, según señala un plan de acción para el fomento del gasto, informó ThePaper el lunes.
据欧洲防务评论网3月4日报道, 总部位于迈阿密的专注于氢动力无人机的公司Heven Drones,其研发中心位于以色列,在IDEX 2025上推出了其Raider,这是一种多用途无人驾驶飞行器(UAV),能够携带23公斤的有效载荷飞行12小时以上。
The breakthrough in this drone’s core technology lies in its fully autonomous exploration algorithm, which allows it to fly ...