Federal housing authorities announced that a COVID-era emergency housing voucher is running out of cash — and there’s no plan ...
The firm revealed how it wants to turn a 54-year-old indoor mall in San Bruno into a research village with 1,000 homes.
Part of the council's movement included introducing legislation about a special tax for commercial property owners.
As Liberty Affordable Housing continues the process of trying to buy Millennia Housing's six Oneida County properties, the ...
Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity has announced a series of collaborative projects with the city of Lorain and the ...
The $19 million building at 1528 Hamilton St. features 35 one-bedroom and 14 two-bedroom apartments. It was developed by HDC ...
Texas senators approved 20 bills on March 19, including proposals aimed at hardening the state power grid and increasing ...
The DOJ must reevaluate harmful actions established by the previous administration that affect housing affordability.
EAH Housing opens applications for Kai Olino Family Apartments in Kaua‘i, offering affordable homes near Hanapēpē Bay.
The nonprofit Williamsburg House of Mercy joins a growing nationwide list of organizations hit by federal funding cuts.
Energy-efficient affordable housing, support for local farmers, air pollution monitoring, and other community-based projects ...