Her social videos, which feature her 10 Yorkie dogs and one miniature Schnauzer dressed up in a variety of costumes, have skyrocketed her following in just a few months.
Osito is Isabel Klee's newest foster from Muddy Paws Rescue in NYC (who, in response to Osito's howl, said, “so sorry to his future home!”), and he might just be one of the cutest. He's only been with ...
A Yorkie has been reunited with his family from Southern California after being lost in Santa Cruz County for the last four months.
The Jacksonville Humane Society is coming together with local agencies to inform and seek community support ahead of the ...
Watching a little dog, such as a Yorkie, throw a tantrum when they don’t get their way is simultaneously adorable and ...
I nearly shed a tear while reading NaeNae's heartwarming comment praising Isabel, her fiance, and the love they give the foster dogs in their care: "This is such a metaphor for wh ...
The officer did not mention the Yorkie in his report aside from the fact that the dog will be at the animal services department until Saint-Geraud is released from Turner Guilford Knight ...
Sometimes, a pet will turn up at the shelter who turns everyone's heads. It happens for a variety of reasons, but one of the toughest is when an animal comes in and definitely looks like they have a ...
His vet suggested that Petey not be left alone. “I made sure that Petey always had constant care,” Benson said. Gloria Darouiche, who is at home all day, keeps him company, often literally ...
A teacup Yorkie who reminded Pajan of their previous ... cases where an animal has many health problems, needs hospice care, or is generally terrified of the world and needs socialization ...