At the facility, there are eight large enclosures, each described as "approximately half the size of a football field." ...
Health officials have issued a rabies alert for parts of Southwest Miami-Dade after a horse tested positive for the virus.<a ...
Josephine County Public Health Officer Dr. David Candelaria confirmed four cases of rabies in foxes within the past week, an ...
The problem these teams are helping solve is urgent. Scientists enlist surprising helpers in effort to protect rare animals: 'A really nice outcome' first appeared on The Cool Down.
The NFWC received the colony of nearly 30 bats from the Jacksonville Zoo recently and the center is excited to allow visitors to start learning about the threatened species.
Telangana government has proposed to set up multi-infrastructure development projects and IT park in the 400-acre government ...
THE detection of avian influenza in a sheep in the United Kingdom has not increased the risks to Australia, a Department of ...
Lino and Piercy, two male red pandas, arrived at the end of January, joining a buzzing lineup of new arrivals.
With more people and their pets venturing outdoors, it's inevitable that dogs will cross paths with wild animals, which can ...