Kenya and the International Monetary Fund will discuss a new lending programme for the East African nation, as both sides ...
全球AI产业规模预计在2025年达到6800亿美元,美欧中三极竞争格局加速形成,而光伏组件价格年内下降12%推动可再生能源装机量增长25%,绿色投资正从概念转向盈利模式验证。这场百年变局中,谁能平衡好安全与发展、效率与公平,谁就能在复苏长跑中占据先机 ...
Kenya has agreed with the IMF to cancel the 9th review under the current EFF and ECF programmes, with plans to engage in ...
(吉隆坡4日讯)国际货币基金组织(IMF)建议,大马经济强劲成长之际,应当继续重建财政缓冲,并加速结构性改革。国际货币基金组织在与大马进行年度《第4条文磋商》(Article IV ...
The head of the International Monetary Fund’s mission to Pakistan said the lender and the government have made progress ...
Argentina's government formalized a decree of necessity and urgency (DNU) on Tuesday in a key step towards sealing a new ...
The International Monetary Fund approved $2.5 billion in financing for Egypt — about half of which will be paid out ... -- 尽管最近与国际货币基金组织(IMF)达成协议,萨尔瓦多政府在总统纳伊布·布克尔(Nayib Bukele)的领导下宣布将继续购买比特币。此前外界普遍认为该协议会终止该国对数字货币的积累。
Kenya and the IMF are discussing a new lending program after halting the current $3.6 billion loan review. The country needs ...
Kenya has so far accessed Sh404 billion ($3.12 billion) for the ECF/EFF programmes out of a possible Sh467.5 billion ($3.61 billion) leaving an undisbursed balance of about Sh63.4 billion ...