Hello, I’m Ben Wattenberg… In recent decades Charles Darwin’s explanation of evolution through natural selection has been challenged by an alternative theory called Intelligent Design.
There are at least four fundamental problems with the theory of evolution as an answer to the origins and complexity of life ...
Some religious proponents feel that it is unfair to teach, as fact, scientific theories as an explanation for the origins of life and of the universe without also teaching the religious ...
North Dakota lawmakers will hear testimony on a bill that would require schools to teach "intelligent design"—the belief that ...
A little more than a year before we celebrate the bicentennial of Darwin's birth, anti-Darwin activism is alive and well. The most insidious movement promotes 'intelligent design' (ID)—the ...
"Intelligent design theory" is built on the belief that evolution does not sufficiently explain the complexity that exists in life on Earth and that science should recognize the existence of an ...