Things really started to turn around for Ash in Sinnoh. Compared to his previous teams, his Sinnoh team was much stronger. Ash really began to shine as a Trainer here, too, taking on a Chimchar ...
Watch Ash, Dawn and Brock travel across the Sinnoh region to face challenges, battles and the antics of Team Rocket! With Team Galactic out of the way, Ash can now focus on qualifying for the ...
As the menace of Team Galactic continues to loom over the Sinnoh region, Ash and Dawn keep getting caught up in the schemes of this mysterious group of villains - as well as facing some other ...
Pokémon Go's Sinnoh Stone is a special evolution item that allows you to transform many of the game's existing creatures into Gen 4 versions. Not only is it is exciting to see many fan favourites ...
Seventh day Research Task Breakthroughs PvP battles Beating Team Go Rocket leaders Earning a Mystery Item in the Go Battle League Pokémon that can evolve using Sinnoh Stones Many Pokémon from ...
Aside from a Ralts encounter, players who work through the Timed Research will be able to collect some guaranteed Sinnoh Stones. While some items like Razz Berries are Poke Balls are so plentiful ...