The online American Sign Language (ASL) courses and certificates teach learners how to effectively communicate ... students learn how to become linguistically and culturally competent ASL ...
Welcome to the American Sign Language (ASL) program, housed in the Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Science at the University of Colorado! We are a vibrant, multicultural, diverse community ...
A minor in American Sign Language (ASL) can unlock numerous career opportunities that involve fostering effective communication with the Deaf and hard-of-hearing community. One of the more direct ...
RIT offers ASL courses to College of Liberal Arts students for modern language credit. New Signers Program offered to newly accepted Deaf and hard-of-hearing students who have little or no prior ...
The Language Enabled Airman Program (LEAP) is managed by the Air ... To help maintain language skills, participants go through two phases: an online class and a language intensive training event ...
The Academic English (AE) program at INTO UAB offers part-time and full-time English language study for students who wish to quickly improve their academic, professional, or general English skills. It ...
The program even offers courses in sign language. Classes provide online lectures, slideshows, videos, quizzes, assignments and tests. There are no deadlines in the courses, so participants can ...
This sub-section includes documents that may assist you in developing and refining your staff/employee sign language philosophy and policy document(s): If you are considering the development or ...
Previously on Blue Peter, Mwaksy met an amazing group of young deaf people who gave her a beginner lesson in British Sign Language. What information do we collect from this quiz? This week is Deaf ...
Students complete core leveling (BA-level) courses in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences (SLHS) in this online, non-degree program. Students complete 8 courses (24 credits) in 4 semesters (summer, ...
The students are part of the high school’s American Sign Language program, a quickly growing language course that added a new teacher this year and will add a fourth course next year.