A new statewide program will help Pennsylvanians remove invasive trees and shrubs and replace them with native species — for free. Through the Pennsylvania Invasive Replace-ive Program, property owner ...
Former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is scheduled to make his first appearance before judges of the International Criminal Court.
One of the subjects I get asked about the most is how and when to prune trees and shrubs. Unfortunately the answer can be somewhat complicated. If you prune at […] ...
KiwiRail failed to follow a decade-old Coroner's recommendation to fence an area of railway line where a young Matamata ...
Rabbits are year-round and frequent visitors to gardens and landscapes. As children, we read about and adored these furry ...
Now is the time to get your garden into shape before summer, and this simple gardening job needs to be done before Easter.
The North Country Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area group has secured funding to replace invasive shrubs in northern Michigan.
There’s about a week to go before the official start of spring and there’s already gardening work to do. First, test your soil’s pH level so you know which plants ...
The owners of three lots on Old Winter Street totaling 8.5 wooded acres want to clear-cut roughly 40% of the land, regrade ...
Rabbits are year-round and frequent visitors to gardens and landscapes. As children, we read about and adored these furry ...
You'll probably be able to renovate a big old shrub instead of removing it and replacing it. Two techniques will get the job done.
Here’s what’s in store for gardeners, landscapers, people who like green lawns and more. And how long it could be before the ...