The Shenzhen office will further allow Casual to embed itself right in the heart of the Greater Bay Area and to propel the ...
In addition to Shenzhen, other cities across China, including Beijing, Chengdu and Wuhan, have also introduced similar policies to support the development of AI-powered new industries. Wuhan, as a ...
O primeiro sistema autônomo de restauração da rede elétrica de 110 kV da China, impulsionado por inteligência artificial (IA) ...
红点奖,源自德国。是与IF设计奖齐名的一个工业设计大奖是世界上知名设计竞赛中最大最有影响的竞赛。红点奖与德国"IF奖”、美国“IDEA奖”一起并称为世界三大设计奖。 2024红点奖茶包装获奖作品一共9件,其中8件是中国作品,中国不仅是茶树的原生地,还 ...