Nestled in the heart of Isfahan, Hasht Behesht Palace stands as one of the most exquisite remnants of the Safavid era. Known ...
TEHRAN - The Jameh Mosque of Qazvin, also known as the Friday Mosque of Qazvin, stands as one of Iran’s oldest and most ...
Meanwhile, a useful map shows the vast extent of the empire – and thus its taxable wealth – by Akbar’s death in 1605; it stretched from Kabul and the Safavid border to beyond today’s Bangladesh and ...
He earned his PhD in History of Science at the University of Oklahoma in 2021. His dissertation titled “Astronomy in Safavid Persia: Bahāʾ al-Dīn ʿĀmilī and the Patronage of Science” was recognized ...
The IHI brings together faculty and research students at LSE who teach and research various aspects of the history of modern Iran from the 16th century to the present, including the history of Safavid ...