Seventeen traffic island sites have been identified across the city and will see garden beds or lawn replaced with concrete ...
We all have our driving pet peeves. Tailgating. Turn signals left on. Speeding. But living in Marion, my number one aggravation while driving is people who still don't know the rules of a roundabout.
Since 2003, roundabouts have proliferated in Rhode Island with 20 being built. Surveys find people come around to the idea after they are constructed. But Rhode Islanders' lack of familiarity with ...
A new roundabout is set to be built at the intersection of Great South Road, Regent Street, and Old Taupiri Road in ...
Roundabouts, circular intersections that grant right of way to drivers inside the circle, are an increasingly common feature of U.S. roads—in part because they reduce both traffic delays and accidents ...
LAPEL, Ind. (WISH) — Roundabouts are being considered due to speeding motorists and a high number of crashes along parts of a rural stretch of State Road 13 on the border of Hamilton and Madison ...
I have complained for many years about Carmel wasting taxpayer dollars on elaborate roundabouts. Carmel has well over 100 roundabouts, which is bad enough, but it turns them into botanical gardens ...
Las Vegas city officials have added multiple mini-roundabouts and speed cushions to a local road, hoping to increase traffic safety in the area. Traffic engineers added three mini-roundabouts to ...
MUNCIE — Indiana has become known for building roundabouts to solve safety issues at dangerous intersections. INDOT believes they could also be the answer in the middle of Muncie. INDOT is planning to ...
ATHENS COUNTY, Ohio. (WSAZ) - A project to construct roundabouts is set to begin Monday in Athens County, Ohio, according to The Ohio Department of Transportation. The U.S. 33/State Route 682 ramp ...