The unexpected discovery may provide scientists with new insights into how cancer develops — and how to combat it.
Ophthalmology Times - ophthalmology news, articles, and events in a timely and accurate manner for members of the ophthalmic ...
BioAFM instruments are designed to measure soft, fragile, and complex samples, including single molecules, nucleic acids, ...
Ring-shaped extrachromosomal DNA is implicated in many cancers. Rachel Brazil talks to the scientists trying to uncover their ...
In addition to exporting materials out of the nucleus, the protein, called Exportin-1 (also called Xpo1 or Crm1), seems to play a role in promoting gene transcription, the process that creates RNA ...
Scientists recreate ancient proto-feathers in chicken embryos, revealing evolutionary resilience in feather development.
LCGC International spoke with Daniel Meston and Dwight Stoll from Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota, USA, ...
Since it was first identified in 2012, the World Health Organization (WHO) says there have been a total of 2,618 confirmed ...
Researchers from Northwestern University have stumbled upon a previously unobserved function of a protein found in the cell ...
Cas12a tool to enable simultaneous genetic modifications, allowing the study of complex genetic interactions in immune system ...
Only recently has the ribosome—one of the oldest molecular machines in evolutionary terms—been recognized as an active ...