Typically the teams you fight to take down alongside the main plot of a Pokémon game have pretty nefarious ambitions, but Alola’s Team Skull is more akin to a gang of petty thieves united by their ...
Though it may seem impossible, we’ve narrowed down a list of the best Pokémon games. In our professional opinion, these are the games you should be playing to get a picture of the iconic franchise and ...
What are the best games like Pokemon on PC? If you want to emulate the real thing on PC you probably can, but we wouldn’t know anything about illegal activities like that. Honest. What we can do ...
Often cited as one of the world's most valuable media franchises, Pokémon is a household name that's been a Nintendo staple since the Game Boy. The beloved series is home to hundreds of amazing ...
The game is set in the Galar region which was inspired by the United Kingdom. It introduced 89 new Pokemon, including the corgi-like Yamper and the sheep-like Wooloo. The very first installments of ...