The first EQ event is scheduled for Sept. 18-20 at Lake Champlain in Plattsburgh, N.Y. The series will then head to Wheeler Oct. 2-4 before heading to the third and final EQ stop of the season Nov. 13 ...
FLORENCE — University of North Alabama angler Dylan Nutt landed a record weight for a three-day bass tournament on Pickwick ...
The answer: Fewer people every day. So that’s where we’re at. Good, bad or indifferent, the co-angler model, already given up on by B.A.S.s., is on its way out with every major fishing league. Facts ...
“Guys have been catching bass on the Alabama rigs at Pickwick for a month sporadically ... outdoor writer and lifelong fishing enthusiast, once opined. “And people say fishermen aren ...
referring to the largemouth bass-targeting umbrella rig by its most common name. “The water temperatures actually rose at Pickwick recently, but they’re about to drop again if they haven’t ...