Feb. 20, 2025 — Highly valued economically, ecologically and culturally, the white oak (Quercus alba) is a keystone forest species and is one of the most abundant trees across much of eastern ...
Kishore Asthana Explaining spiritual advancement, in Thus Spake Zarathustra, Nietzsche says, “Three metamorphoses of the spirit I designate to you: how the spirit becomes a camel, the camel a ...
As a general rule, most people want to avoid viruses, which are at the root of illnesses like colds, the flu, chickenpox and many a stomach bug. But what about a virus that doesn’t make people ...
Do schools and trees mix? You may have memories of shady playing areas and shelter belts by playing fields, but our recent study suggests this is increasingly an exception rather than a rule.
Pruning can also be considered preventive maintenance for both insect and disease damage. Many problems may be prevented by pruning correctly during the formative years for a tree or shrub. The late ...
raw_path <- file.path("Users", "ostaizkaaizpurua", "Projects","GreenDogs","raw_data", fsep="/") trimmed_path1 <- file.path("Users", "ostaizkaaizpurua", "Projects ...
The results of community composition changes at the level of main phyla and genus showed that the relative abundance of Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Streptomyces decreased with the increase of ...
The London Tree Map shows the locations and species information for over 880,000 of London's trees. These are predominantly street trees, but also some trees in parks and other open spaces. The map ...
Here, the authors report that cold seeps are potential hotspots of nitrogen loss, revealing high rates and a diverse range of nitrogen loss genes across multiple microbial phyla. A meta-analysis ...
Additionally, those from the dry-rewetting event peatland had the most dominant phyla (genera) that showed significant changes in a relative abundance due to the simulated climate change treatments.
In a massive green feat, as many as 216,500 trees were planted across Dubai in 2024 - a 17 per cent rise from 2023. This translates to an average of 600 trees being planted every day last year ...