NOG的Ba3 CFR评级反映了公司适度的杠杆率,以及其增强的规模和良好的盆地与商品多元化。公司在Williston盆地的资产以石油为主,在油价较高时有利于其非杠杆现金利润和现金流。公司已显著增加其在Permian盆地的足迹,2024年大部分资本支出集中在该盆地。NOG还涉足Appalachian盆地,并最近收购了Uinta盆地的某些资产。
2024年,上海原油期货价格与境外市场高度联动,有效反映区域供需基本面变化特点, ...
The China Petrochemical Corporation, the country's largest oil refiner, has announced the discovery of more than 140 million ...
US President Donald Trump on Monday announced that he'll impose 25-percent tariff on any nation that purchases oil and/or gas ...
中国政府释放拘留外商员工正值 与美国针锋相对 的关税升级之际,这表明中国政府急于 巩固与全球商界领袖的关系 ,以应对美国总统特朗普引发的干扰。预计特朗普最快将在 下个月 对中国出口商品实施更多惩罚措施。
WASHINGTON, March 24 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday said that he may "give a lot of countries breaks" on tariffs, as his April 2 deadline to impose "reciprocal tariffs" on U.S.
中国2024年原油进口量达5.53亿吨,对外依赖度高。全球近五年新发现的十大油田总储量仅能满足中国3.8年需求,老油田枯竭问题凸显。尽管页岩油技术革新带动美国产量增长,但新油田勘探成本高、难度大,行业进入高精尖技术时代。未来需在传统能源与新能源转型间 ...
公司还提供了其持有20%工作权益的Vecta项目的最新进展。Mosman表示,由Vecta Oil and Gas Limited和Desert Eagle Drilling LLC进行的钻探作业因监管障碍而延迟。水井钻探的资格认证过程与油气法规不同,预计要到2025年4月中旬之后才能完成。
"China has stood by us all the way," said Elia George Kaiyamo, Namibia's ambassador to China, highlighting the deepening bond ...
A member of the 16th Chinese medical team talks to children about the importance of handwashing at the Frans Nambinga Arts ...